Studiopress Church 4.0 WordPress Theme.
Studiopress aka Revolution themes by Brian Gardner. Church is one of
most used wordpress magazine theme in recent times. Now Church is
professionally optimized by Joost de Valk, who is on our development
team. Because of the amount of optimizations/changes to the theme
files, it will require you to load the new version.
Description : Studiopress/Revolution
Church is a three-columns, fixed-width, threaded-comments theme by
Brain Gardner. Studipress is a premium magazine style wordpress theme
with a latest updated features.
Compatibility : Latest WordPress Version 2.8
Updated Features :
Auto-Sized Thumbnails
awesome feature with this version of Church is the ability to now
display automatically generated thumbnails on the homepage. You can see
that the sizes of your thumbnails can be configured on the options
Support For Localization
awesome feature that is included with the Church theme is support for
localization. We have been asked numerous times if our themes can be
localized, and we are going to make sure that all of them can be
internationalized into different languages.
Sidebar eNews & Updates
previous versions of the Church theme, we required the use of a text
widget to display the Google/Feedburner eNews & Updates section. We
felt that was a bit clunky, so we’ve now included the ability to
enable/disable that section from within the dashboard, and provide a
box for you to place your Feed ID.
Features :
- Drop down category menus and page menus
- Rotating featured article section on homepage
- Widget ready
- Google AdSense integration
- Section, Archive, Blog page templates
- Theme options panel
- and many more….